Thursday, January 10, 2008

First Things first......

Lets talk about the green man....
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yeah...The Incredible Hulk. Colossal piece of whomp the first one turned out to be.....too many things going on at once in that one. Must say Ang Lee directed a heavy weight piece of crap.I my self favor the tighted ones over at DC but there is somn bout them dudes at marvel. Which is why i went to see the movie in the first place and i came out disappointed. Eric Bana was so tortured in that movie i was almost compelled to share my hot dog with him...almost. Who was in charge of casting?Sucky sucky sucky!
Alas....there may be hope for the Green One.My future baby daddy has been cast in the lead role of Eric Bana...yeah.....the one and only Edward Norton. If anybody can save this wanna be franchise, it has to be him. I mean...its Edward Freaking Norton....lets keep our fingers crossed.....y'all remember Spiderman's incessant tears in that last movie? Yeah...we hope for the best.
Exclusive pics from below.

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